We received some marvellous entries this month in our 'Colours' photo competition, they really cheered us up with all the rain we've been having. Check out the gallery below and you'll see why it was hard to pick a winner this month but our favourite shot was from Niall Cullen, aged 15. We love how the rainbow perfectly hits the boat on the Mersey - it looks like it's colouring it in and bringing it to life!
Our final photo competition is a special one. There's no theme so it's a free for all and we're looking for people's best shots from across out beautiful city. However, you only have until Wednesday 6th November to enter so send your entries to [email protected] as quickly as possible! It's your last opportunity to feature in our 2020 calendar and then face the public vote for your chance to be our overall winner with the prize of a camera up for grabs at the end of the year.
Our final photo competition is a special one. There's no theme so it's a free for all and we're looking for people's best shots from across out beautiful city. However, you only have until Wednesday 6th November to enter so send your entries to [email protected] as quickly as possible! It's your last opportunity to feature in our 2020 calendar and then face the public vote for your chance to be our overall winner with the prize of a camera up for grabs at the end of the year.