Saturday 18th January is your next chance to see the latest progress at The Old Library. Drop i to site any time between 10am and 3pm to see the latest restoration progress. For the first time since building work started, you'll be able to step inside the old Boys & Girls Reading Room to take a look at what will become our main community space when the building re-opens. With new plasterwork being installed, it's starting to look very impressive!
We'll also be gathering your feedback on what kind of activities & training opportunities you'd like to see at The Old Library, as well as your ideas for our new community cafe.
Entrance to the site is on the corner of Green Lane & Lister Drive (right next to our very colourful community mural) and sturdy footwear is essential. At busy times there may be a short wait as we can only have a limited number of visitors inside the building.
If you have any questions, contact [email protected] or call 07988 778372.
We'll also be gathering your feedback on what kind of activities & training opportunities you'd like to see at The Old Library, as well as your ideas for our new community cafe.
Entrance to the site is on the corner of Green Lane & Lister Drive (right next to our very colourful community mural) and sturdy footwear is essential. At busy times there may be a short wait as we can only have a limited number of visitors inside the building.
If you have any questions, contact [email protected] or call 07988 778372.